Santosh Tolangi is (30years) has wife and two children (son 7 years and daughter 10 years and studying in government school locally in grade 1 and 6). His wife looks after His work and children. Not only this, she is having buffalo and also doing kitchen gardening for the family. He has some land but not enough production for family so he does carpentry work to earn for the family.
In the beginning he used to work for others as an assistant but now he does furniture making work independently because IN Nepal livelihood programme had supported him with different tools and machines for furniture making. According to him he makes bed, table, chair, cupboard, racks, and so on as per requests from the clients in the periphery of his community. He earned NRs 150,000.00 (USD 1500) till date after IN support. Now he said in an average around NRs 15,000 (USD 150) per months he is earning which he feels a good income in the rural community context and by staying in a family. This earning has greatly help fulfilling his family’s basic needs including children education. He mentioned to IN Nepal that he is very satisfied with his work and earnings because he is having enough requests from different peoples. Time and again, he also employee some peoples when he has to prepare demanded items within a short period of time. It means creating jobs locally also.
IN NEPAL Annual Progress Report, Santosh is an active member in the livelihood beneficiary group. The livelihood beneficiary’s members and other community peoples are impressed and encouraging with him because he is gradually becoming an entrepreneur and playing positive role in the group. He said to all in the group meeting that we should all be thankful towards IN Nepal for this great support and guidance because of IN support we are having good income.
Case Story published by IN Nepal, Transformed Lives Changed Communities