
Impact of the Mother Tongue based Literacy program

Puja Rana aged 19 years from Raikawar Bichawa VDC- 2 Kaluwapur , Kanchanpur completed Mother Tongue Based Literacy class and received literacy skills. Through the comprehension text in the Literacy book she was well motivated and desired vocational skills. Now she is getting tailoring training in her town. She said, “Literacy skills are helping me greatly in the training”.

Himanto Rana aged 30 years from Shankarpur VDC -4, Kasaba Kanchanpur. She has joint family having 14 members. They have 15 Kattha farming land including residence. Transformation Nepal started Mother Tongue Based (MTB) literacy class in her community where she participated. She completed successfully literacy class and became literate as well as learned mathematical skills at basic level. She can keep records of her business. Now she is running a grocery shop by herself successfully. It happened because of the literacy class. She said, “I am thankful to Transformational Nepal who provided me an opportunity to be literate”.


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